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Case Mouth Chamfering

The case mouth of metallic cartridges is chamfered for two or more reasons: to remove any burrs left by production or case trimming operation and to allow bullets to seat more easily without damaging the bullet's heel which can degrade its stability in flight.
  • Lyman Case Prep Multi-Tool
    Lyman Case Prep Multi-Tool

    Lyman Case Prep Multi-Tool


    Lyman's Unique Case Prep Multi-Tool provides the reloader with all the essential Case Prep Accessories in one compact, double-ended storage tool. Its

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  • RCBS Trim Mate Carbide Chamfer Tool
    RCBS Trim Mate Carbide Chamfer Tool

    RCBS Trim Mate Carbide Chamfer Tool


    The Carbide Chamfer Tool is a replacement carbide-tipped cutter for the RCBS® Brass Boss. This tool cuts clean and stay sharp for a lifetime of use.

  • Lyman Case Care Kit

    Lyman Case Care Kit


    The Lyman Case Care Kit combines many of Lyman's most popular case prep items into one package. The utility crank and adapter (8-32 thread), large and

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  • Lee Chamfer and Deburring Tool

    Lee Chamfer and Deburring Tool


    Lee Chamfer tool chamfers and deburs inside and outside of case necks. Also used to remove the crimp from primer pockets. Can be used for 50 BMG.

  • Lee Case Conditioning Kit

    Lee Case Conditioning Kit


    Case Conditioning Kit includes cutter and lock stud, chamfer tool and primer pocket cleaner. Order the appropriate case length gauge to complete this

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