Sinclair Priming Tool Stainless Shell Holder #2, .308 Family, 30-06, .45 ACP
SKU SIN-749101028
Sinclair stainless steel shell holder designed to be used with the Sinclair Hand Priming Tool. May also fit other tools using a similar flat bottomed shell holder.
- 243 Winchester
- 270 Winchester
- 308 Winchester
- 22-250 Remington
- 25-06 Remington
- 250 Savage
- 6mm/244 Remington
- 260 Remington
- 240 Weatherby Magnum
- 22 BR (Benchrest) Remington
- 280 Ackley Improved
- 30-06
- 7MM-08 Remington
- 6.5 Creedmoor